Category Archives: Wife
The Baton is Passed. (To me.)
Growing up, I was constantly asked, “Are you related to Hall-of-Fame Baseball Player Stan Musial?” I’ve talked to other people with the Musial surname, and apparently, this happened ALL THE TIME. (The answer, by the way, is: “No, I am … Continue reading
An Actual Conversation With My Wife
Me (coming home late): It smells good in here. Did you cook something with garlic? Wife: No. Me: Really? What did you make for dinner? Wife: Spaghetti and meatballs. And garlic bread. (long pause) Wife: Yes. The answer to your … Continue reading
Yes. Yes I do.
Last night at a show, a fellow comedian commented: “Tom, I’ve never even met her, but you must have the coolest wife.” I communicate to my wife mainly through this blog, so I wanted her to know that I completely … Continue reading
I Heart Fish Sandwiches — and More!
My wife and I were discussing sandwiches, and during the conversation I realized that I have more than one favorite sandwich. The Fish Sandwich is my favorite sandwich in the category of Bar and Restaurant food. The corned-beef-and-coleslaw Rachel is … Continue reading
21st-Century Marital Communication
I set up my wife’s newsreader with a subscription to Last night my wife said to me: “We’re getting cable? And I had to learn about it from your blog?” Tonight I predict she will say, “You wrote about … Continue reading
Around the Corner and Out of This World
Last month, I had the good fortune to spend a day each in Busch Gardens Europe and Kennywood Park. Being the analytical thinker that I am, I realized that all of the adult rides in amusement parks can be put … Continue reading
Two-Minivan Man
For reasons too aggravating to relate here, my family no longer owns a minivan (mom’s car) and a sedan (dad’s car). Instead, we now own a new minivan (mom’s car) and an old minivan (dad’s car). If you see a … Continue reading
I Think I’ll Keep Her
My wife is great, and she’s good at a lot of things. One of the things she’s not particularly good at is keeping up with the latest technology. Just a few months ago, she called me at work so I … Continue reading