Category Archives: Misc
Here We Go Again
After a three four-year hiatus, I’ve once again turned on the Tom Musial Dot Com blog. I’m not sure why either. But if you’re curious about what it was like being a struggling novice comedian in Pittsburgh from 2006 through … Continue reading
Farewell, Lent, and thanks for all the fish!
So another Lent has come and gone, and with it, the wonderful fish fry specials at all of the local parishes, firehalls, and social clubs. This is where I would make a sad face out of keyboard punctuation if I … Continue reading
The Baton is Passed. (To me.)
Growing up, I was constantly asked, “Are you related to Hall-of-Fame Baseball Player Stan Musial?” I’ve talked to other people with the Musial surname, and apparently, this happened ALL THE TIME. (The answer, by the way, is: “No, I am … Continue reading
Cool Free Art
Local artist Ali Spagnola has an ongoing project where she creates an original piece of art EVERY DAY and then GIVES IT AWAY FOR FREE. However, if you can believe it, she is running out of people who want a … Continue reading
An Important Message for Pittsburgh Casting Directors
To this point in my nascent career as a performer and entertainer (ha!), I’ve concentrated mainly on stand-up comedy, and shied away from pursuits in filmed entertainment. After all, I thought, who wants to see a fat bald yinzer on … Continue reading
Ha! They’re Lame!
With apologies to Christine, here’s a little homage to Cleveland. Note: Language NSFW Thanks to Mondesi’s house.
A Thousand HD Frames Per Second Is Just Awesome
But why does the jello stay in the air so long after bouncing? I-Movix SprintCam v3 NAB 2009 showreel from David Coiffier on Vimeo. Here is the first SprintCam v3 showreel, made for NAB 2009 exhibition. Mostly 1000FPS shots, made … Continue reading
I’m Now On Twitter
After spending most of my life training myself to keep my thoughts and opinions safe in the privacy of my own head, I’ve decided to join Twitter. Now all of my fleeting musings are subject to be unleashed on the … Continue reading
What up, MySpace Homies?
So I just installed a new plug-in at that should put a notification in my MySpace blog every time I add a new post here. I wonder if it will really work?
Curses! Foiled by Recursiveness!
I’d like to write about how aggravated I get when Pittsburgh comedians complain about other Pittsburgh comedians. But then I’d be a Pittsburgh comedian complaining about other Pittsburgh comedians. Crap!
Site Back Up
I’ve reactivated the nearly world-famous Tom Musial dot com. No fancy new design as of yet. Keep checking. I’ll be adding some back-dated entries.
I Heart Fish Sandwiches — and More!
My wife and I were discussing sandwiches, and during the conversation I realized that I have more than one favorite sandwich. The Fish Sandwich is my favorite sandwich in the category of Bar and Restaurant food. The corned-beef-and-coleslaw Rachel is … Continue reading
Name That Quote — Answers
No fans have taken a crack at the Name That Quote contest from January 18. I guess that means the million-dollar prize will go unclaimed. Anyway, the answers are after the jump.
Name That Quote
Here are my last four myspace taglines. Can you name the source of the quotes? Post your guess to Comments “So I’m back up in the game — running things to take my swing.” “I’m looking for a dare-to-be-great situation.” … Continue reading
“Wedding Crashers” was right
Rule #39: The way to a woman’s bed is through the dance floor. British science proves it!