Category Archives: Humor
Things are going great, and they’re only getting better
So yesterday I posted (and tweeted, and status-updated) about how Heinz has started to make ketchup in dippable packets. I was talking with my wife about how cool it is when you want somebody to invent something and then they … Continue reading
The Baton is Passed. (To me.)
Growing up, I was constantly asked, “Are you related to Hall-of-Fame Baseball Player Stan Musial?” I’ve talked to other people with the Musial surname, and apparently, this happened ALL THE TIME. (The answer, by the way, is: “No, I am … Continue reading
The Latest in Virtual Reality
Introducing the Tom Musial online dance party. Sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center. (Not really.)
Taking over the internet, one blog at a time.
Check out my guest post at Jeff Konkle’s blog, The post is about 800 words long, which is about 750 words more than I’ve written here over the last six months. It’s always amazing how much better we behave … Continue reading
Close enough, I guess
If you’re a Steelers fan living in Ohio, I imagine you have more important things to worry about than spelling. Spotted in the Waterfront in Homestead, October 30, 2009.
An Important Message for Pittsburgh Casting Directors
To this point in my nascent career as a performer and entertainer (ha!), I’ve concentrated mainly on stand-up comedy, and shied away from pursuits in filmed entertainment. After all, I thought, who wants to see a fat bald yinzer on … Continue reading
Signature Bit
For all the hundreds and thousands and millions of jokes I’ve told, there is one that every audience seems to remember: my juice box bit. I’d like to think that this bit captures the imagination due to its clever and … Continue reading
They Put a Lot of Effort Into This Parody
which makes it that much funnier.
New Winky Terms
I just added two new terms to the Old-Timey-Pittsburgher-to-English translation guide. If I use this term… I really mean this… Hi-Tops bar (by PNC Park) Mullins KBL Fox Sports Pittsburgh Also, if anyone knows why the table border won’t draw … Continue reading
Action Photos
Here are some photos from my recent appearance at the Improv. Remember, I’ll be back there on September 17 for a fund-raiser for Gilda’s Club of Western PA. Make plans to hear some great comedy and support a great cause! … Continue reading
Route 65 in Bellevue: New Sign Fail
Unless, of course, they’re noting that they set off fireworks nightly.
If You Don’t Get Selected for the Jerry Springer Show…
…this is available at the Rite-Aid in Moon Plaza. Oh yeah: show tonight at the Improv in Homestead. 8:00. $10 if you mention my name.
Blast From the Past 1: P.O.V.
This short film was an entry in the 2004 Pittsburgh Filmmakers “Film Kitchen” film festival. All movies had to incorporate a theme of “appliances.” P.O.V. took the 1st place jury selection. Hooray for me! Be sure to check out star … Continue reading
The Next Spielberg?
Thanks to Mike Neilson for the pic and the caption.
My Annual Ash Wednesday Joke
For the last two years, I’ve told the following Ash Wednesday joke at local open mic venues, like the Smiling Moose and St. James Place Tavern. No one has ever laughed, but I like the joke anyway. So I’m posting … Continue reading →