A Holiday Lyrics Quiz

Mmmmmm. Christmas donuts....

The holidays are a time when you gamely try to resurrect old traditions, such as “enjoying snow” and “not getting aggravated.”

And no tradition is more in need of resurrection than the Tom Musial Dot Com Lyrics Quiz.

Here are lyrics from ten of my favorite winter/holiday songs, a surprising number of which contain prominent references to alcohol.

Post a comment with your guesses and you will gain the recognition of being the first commenter on this website in more than nine months.

10. Late December can drag a man down
9. Father yells, throwing the gifts in the wood stove.
8. Mom got drunk and dad got drunk.
7. Deer might fly. Why not?
6. She’s up and rock and rolling with the rest.
5. Maybe just a half a drink more.
4. You mean you forgot cranberries, too?
3. You’re a bum, you’re a punk. You’re an old slut on junk.
2. I saw your sister skatin’ on the lake this afternoon.
1. As I look around your eyes outshine the town.

Check out the playlist for the answers.

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One Response to A Holiday Lyrics Quiz

  1. Trish Podgorski says:

    10. Tom Waits???? Postcard…
    7. I know, but……
    5. Too obvious to print
    3. A wee bit of Pogues, aye! Nice one.

    And I’m lost on the rest. I do love your lyrics quizes tho Tom. And the only reason I comment: I like ya! Unlike the other bastards ; ) Ho Ho Ho……..hope you and the clan have a great Christmas!!

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