Lyrics Quiz Answers

Although the Steelers seemed to have no answer to the Titan’s defensive line, we at Tom Musial Dot Com at least have the answers to our own lyrics quiz.

  1. Cheap tarts in a red light street
    Synchronicity II
  2. Don’t you have a lesson for us?
    Walking In Your Footsteps
  3. Put away your makeup
  4. No-one’s jamming their transmission
    De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
  5. Temptation, frustration
    Don’t Stand So Close To Me
  6. Our minds are deranged
    Tea In The Sahara
  7. I hope my legs don’t break
    Walking On The Moon
  8. It’s the rhetoric of failure
    Spirits In The Material World
  9. Seems I’m not alone at being alone
    Message In A Bottle
  10. Must I always be alone?
    Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
  11. It avoids an awful lot of mess
    Murder By Numbers
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